
The “Hey, welcome back to working onsite” snacks have devolved after only a month

So, two months ago, our site opened up for “full” onsite working. As part of “encouraging” workers to return to the site, they had three shelves of snacks put out by the now also upgraded coffee machine. There was some real good stuff there. Beef Jerky, decent protein bars, shortbread cookies, flavored preztel chips, all sorts of variety and neat and HEALTHY or INDULGENT stuff. At the end of the 2nd month, there's nothing left than packets of shitty nuts that no one chose when they were first offered. I mean if the intention was to say we value you and want you to be happy, as soon as they tried and it failed, they just gave up. Um, the problem runs a fuckton deeper than what snacks one can have at work. It's the fact that I do the same job as a “real employee” but get paid about…

So, two months ago, our site opened up for “full” onsite working. As part of “encouraging” workers to return to the site, they had three shelves of snacks put out by the now also upgraded coffee machine.

There was some real good stuff there. Beef Jerky, decent protein bars, shortbread cookies, flavored preztel chips, all sorts of variety and neat and HEALTHY or INDULGENT stuff.

At the end of the 2nd month, there's nothing left than packets of shitty nuts that no one chose when they were first offered.

I mean if the intention was to say we value you and want you to be happy, as soon as they tried and it failed, they just gave up. Um, the problem runs a fuckton deeper than what snacks one can have at work. It's the fact that I do the same job as a “real employee” but get paid about 60% of what they get, not even factoring in benefits or profit sharing.

I'm 6 years from retirement. I'm keeping an entire record of who told me to do what and when and I've looked at the guidance on what constitutes an employee vs a contractor and I'm 7 out of 7 employee criteria. About a year before I go, I'm going to engage a lawyer and see what I can take from these fuckers when I quit.

Suffice it to say, were my case put in front of a jury, I would win hands down, easily, without a question.

Until then, I'm just biding my time and CYA'ing.

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