
I always try to send messages/ emails to a supervisor in a very professional manner with proper grammar, punctuation , etc. In response I get “k”

Anyone else get annoyed by this? I was taught to always use a professional tone when emailing higher ups and bosses. I use proper grammar, punctuation, capitalization, etc. In a lot of the jobs I’ve had in recent years, the responses I receive are like “k”. Example :” Good evening, bossname. I’m emailing to let you know that my sister is in the hospital, and therefore I will not be able to make it to the office tomorrow. Thank you for understanding, Soup The reply: “ok thank mak sure u give more notice next tim” I just find it funny how they make more than me and are in charge of me but can’t seem to take the time to type a proper sentence. That is all

Anyone else get annoyed by this? I was taught to always use a professional tone when emailing higher ups and bosses. I use proper grammar, punctuation, capitalization, etc. In a lot of the jobs I’ve had in recent years, the responses I receive are like “k”.

Example :” Good evening, bossname. I’m emailing to let you know that my sister is in the hospital, and therefore I will not be able to make it to the office tomorrow.

Thank you for understanding,

The reply: “ok thank mak sure u give more notice next tim”

I just find it funny how they make more than me and are in charge of me but can’t seem to take the time to type a proper sentence.

That is all

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