
Turned down a job offer because my current job accepted my demands…after a month, they are in the process of taking it away. What do I do?

I apologize if this is the wrong subreddit to post this in, but I wasn’t sure where to go. A couple of months ago, I had an offer from a place that was close to home and the pay was about 10k more than I was making. I told my current employer about it and all I wanted from them was two days of telework on Thursday’s and Friday’s and my boss made it happen, but it was only verbally said. After about a month, my boss tells me “we have to rework the telework schedule because we are short staffed and you will have to be open to not doing Thursday’s and Friday’s since we aren’t allowed to have consecutive telework days.” I was taken aback because the reason I am still working here is because I negotiated what I wanted and I turned down a job much closer…

I apologize if this is the wrong subreddit to post this in, but I wasn’t sure where to go.

A couple of months ago, I had an offer from a place that was close to home and the pay was about 10k more than I was making. I told my current employer about it and all I wanted from them was two days of telework on Thursday’s and Friday’s and my boss made it happen, but it was only verbally said. After about a month, my boss tells me “we have to rework the telework schedule because we are short staffed and you will have to be open to not doing Thursday’s and Friday’s since we aren’t allowed to have consecutive telework days.”
I was taken aback because the reason I am still working here is because I negotiated what I wanted and I turned down a job much closer to home. And Thursday’s and Fridays have the WORST traffic imaginable, so that’s why it has to be those days, especially with gas as high as it is.

So that’s currently where I’m at. What options do I have? They can’t just take that away from me, right? My boss’s boss has no idea about my previous job offer and what I had negotiated, so should I talk to them if I have a good relationship with them?


I’m a web designer and I’ve been with my current employer for 8 years and I am literally in the process of building/migrating a new site and I’m the only one capable in my organization to do it. That’s why I successfully negotiated what I wanted. But now, I’m basically done with the new site and I feel the timing is very sus.

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