
So tired of working for people who don’t care a bit about your personal life.

I work at a bank. Just last week one teller quit and someone else retired. Now we are short staffed. Today I woke up with a sore throat and a headache. I texted my boss and told her I wouldn’t be coming in. She called me and proceeded to try to intimidate me into coming to work. She said she had to write me up last time because I didn’t bring her an excuse, even though I have one she just never reminded me to bring it. I was exposed to Covid and might have possibly come down with it. She says there’s employee’s who’s families have Covid and they’re wearing masks and coming to work. I told her I would bring her an excuse this time. My sister also works with me. She has two kids. They started summer school since she doesn’t have anyone to watch them while…

I work at a bank. Just last week one teller quit and someone else retired. Now we are short staffed. Today I woke up with a sore throat and a headache. I texted my boss and told her I wouldn’t be coming in. She called me and proceeded to try to intimidate me into coming to work. She said she had to write me up last time because I didn’t bring her an excuse, even though I have one she just never reminded me to bring it. I was exposed to Covid and might have possibly come down with it. She says there’s employee’s who’s families have Covid and they’re wearing masks and coming to work. I told her I would bring her an excuse this time.

My sister also works with me. She has two kids. They started summer school since she doesn’t have anyone to watch them while she’s at work. Today she found out their school was closing due to Covid. So she also can’t work today. My boss called her and told her to make me watch them.

She knows I’m sick, she knows I might have Covid, and she’s telling my sister to bring my little nephews over just so they will have one extra person. I’m so disgusted.

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