
Employer Filed a Chargeback on My Check

I am a former employee at a small thrift store. I had to leave this job due to sexual assault and harassment done by the owner. I was looking at my bank account and a check he paid me shortly before I left says: CHARGEBACK and the check amount was taken out of my account. I am an hourly employee not a sales employee. He is now lying and saying he did not put a chargeback on my check, which I know to be false because it has to be filed by the check issuer. Please correct me if I’m wrong. How do I handle this situation? I’ve already contacted the DOL because my last check was short. I’m hoping he will write me another check, but I suspect he won’t due to my boyfriend calling him and cussing him out about the assault and threatening to get his massage…

I am a former employee at a small thrift store. I had to leave this job due to sexual assault and harassment done by the owner. I was looking at my bank account and a check he paid me shortly before I left says: CHARGEBACK and the check amount was taken out of my account. I am an hourly employee not a sales employee. He is now lying and saying he did not put a chargeback on my check, which I know to be false because it has to be filed by the check issuer. Please correct me if I’m wrong. How do I handle this situation? I’ve already contacted the DOL because my last check was short. I’m hoping he will write me another check, but I suspect he won’t due to my boyfriend calling him and cussing him out about the assault and threatening to get his massage license revoked. He is the owner of a ministry and thrift store where I formerly worked. All advice is appreciated. TIA!

Edit to add: I live in Mississippi, USA

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