
Working with Bootlickers who are happy to be exploited – Trust no bitch

I guess I'll never understand the mentality of a person who is made aware of the fact that they are being exploited, but who continues to go along with being exploited just the same. Last month I was wrongfully terminated from a contract position after speaking up about being misclassified as an independent contractor. I now have a lawsuit against my former employers for multiple labor law violations, including misclassification, wrongful termination, and retaliation. Today, I received a phone call from a former co-worker asking why her name was included in the complaint. Her name was included because the lawsuit represents all misclassified employees of the company, of which she is also one. She was adamant that she did not want to be included in any lawsuit because she is still working for the employer. She was upset that they now think she is onboard with me suing them. While…

I guess I'll never understand the mentality of a person who is made aware of the fact that they are being exploited, but who continues to go along with being exploited just the same.

Last month I was wrongfully terminated from a contract position after speaking up about being misclassified as an independent contractor. I now have a lawsuit against my former employers for multiple labor law violations, including misclassification, wrongful termination, and retaliation. Today, I received a phone call from a former co-worker asking why her name was included in the complaint. Her name was included because the lawsuit represents all misclassified employees of the company, of which she is also one. She was adamant that she did not want to be included in any lawsuit because she is still working for the employer. She was upset that they now think she is onboard with me suing them.

While we were co-workers, I had told her that we were misclassified and that the company was guilty of multiple other labor law violations. I knew what they were doing was completely illegal. She never had any response to these accusations. When I was let go with zero notice, she wished me well and said she hoped I found a company to work for who treated me better. So clearly, she was aware that we were both being exploited, but she continued to work for the company, even knowing that this company thought nothing of ending someone's contract with zero notice (meaning the same could happen to her at any time).

Going through this, I am reminded that despite being friendly with a co-worker, you must always remember that they are not your “friends”. Do not count on them to have your back in any way. Ironically, my former co-worker comes from a Nordic country that is often held up by Americans as being so much more evolved and humane…in, well everything. Having lived in the US for over a decade, my former co-worker seems to have the completely American ideal of looking out for number one and definitely NOT the Social Democratic (aka The Workers Party) ideals of her former homeland. It is disappointing to say the least.

I am standing alone in my fight when this person should be standing with me. Let her lick boots, but I am still going to stand up for my rights. Dividing us is how they win.

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