
I told my work that I am actively looking elsewhere! And I feel good.

I have been off on disability. I nearly went homeless waiting for insurance money because I have no savings because my job barely pays us enough to live. And yet, we apparently just had our best quarter! I ain't seen nothing of that. I have done a lot for this company. Including ridiculous late hours (til' pm) followed by early (5:30 am) the next day. Several sets in a row, several weeks in a row. ​ I have been applying to many jobs lately. Some with a starting wage way higher than the most I would ever get even 10 years from now at my current job. I have gone to university, gotten a STEM degree, I am capable and not dumb. But they are paying me like a high school dropout. I went to pick up some stuff from my workplace today. I had asked if it was okay…

I have been off on disability. I nearly went homeless waiting for insurance money because I have no savings because my job barely pays us enough to live. And yet, we apparently just had our best quarter! I ain't seen nothing of that.

I have done a lot for this company. Including ridiculous late hours (til' pm) followed by early (5:30 am) the next day. Several sets in a row, several weeks in a row.

I have been applying to many jobs lately. Some with a starting wage way higher than the most I would ever get even 10 years from now at my current job. I have gone to university, gotten a STEM degree, I am capable and not dumb. But they are paying me like a high school dropout.

I went to pick up some stuff from my workplace today. I had asked if it was okay to come get some of my stuff. My boss told me to stop by his office if I came by. I did. And there he asked me if I was coming back to (company) because it's weird that I would come pick up my stuff after 2 months.

I told him yes. (I just didn't have a vehicle cause I couldn't replace my other one (was a vehicle accident that put me on disability) cause they don't pay me crap. )

He said ok good.

When I got home I shot him an email and said I was elaborating on what I'd said earlier.

Truth is I still have an open offer to work elsewhere, currently discussing wage. I have an interview this week, and I have applied to some VERY GOOD positions for which I check all the boxes that yes, pay me starting, way more than this job ever will. And I told him that. I told him as much as I like the job and my coworkers, they won't be scraping me off the street if I go homeless. Neither will he.

I won't quit until I have something else locked in. I have told them before the wages sucked. My coworkers have spoken to me and some have mentioned trying to unionize. I know I am not the only one who feels this way, but the others don't voice it.

I don't care anymore. For a year I have tried to make this work. They can fire me if they want. I'll probably earn more on employment insurance anyways.

I am feeling amazing right now.

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