
General Strike on July 5th

The US SCOTUS is illegitimate — it boasts justices who lied under oath, and should therefore be investigated and impeached. These illegitimate justices are working to undermine your rights — they started with taking away your rights to bodily autonomy (Roe v Wade) and have indicated that they will be coming for your right to same-sex sexual activities (Lawrence), your right to same-sex marriage (Obergefell), and your right to contraception (Griswold). They don’t care about our peaceful marches, and voting can only accomplish so much when the GOP is actively making it more difficult to vote (restricting access) and to vote fairly (gerrymandering). It’s time to protest in a way that will bring these greedy capitalist “leaders” to their knees — stop working and stop spending money. Our labor and our purchases are the lifeblood of the capitalist machine, but We The People have the power to grind that machine…

The US SCOTUS is illegitimate — it boasts justices who lied under oath, and should therefore be investigated and impeached. These illegitimate justices are working to undermine your rights — they started with taking away your rights to bodily autonomy (Roe v Wade) and have indicated that they will be coming for your right to same-sex sexual activities (Lawrence), your right to same-sex marriage (Obergefell), and your right to contraception (Griswold). They don’t care about our peaceful marches, and voting can only accomplish so much when the GOP is actively making it more difficult to vote (restricting access) and to vote fairly (gerrymandering). It’s time to protest in a way that will bring these greedy capitalist “leaders” to their knees — stop working and stop spending money. Our labor and our purchases are the lifeblood of the capitalist machine, but We The People have the power to grind that machine to a halt through collective action. Join us for a general strike on Tuesday, July 5th 2022 — a day of skipping work and of not spending money to remind the politicians where the power really lies in this country — with us, the workers! We demand that our voices be heard, that our institutions are re-legitimized, and that our rights are protected.

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