
Still waiting for SPSL COVID pay since February (CA)

I work for a large hospital system in California. I contacted COVID end of January. I work in the emergency room and obviously got it at work. CA COVID pay had ended but it got extended February 19th. March 10th they have me fill out a form to be reimbursed SPSL pay. I filled it out immediately and they said I would be paid within the next two pay periods. Nothing. For months I’ve been getting the run around that it’s coming soon, they are busy and trying to do their best to get the retroactive pay going. Last time I spoke to someone in HR they said June 10th if not June 24th for sure. Nothing. Again I write an email to the HR person in charge of the department. She forwarded to her boss and I get the same canned response. “Please be patient, we are targeting the…

I work for a large hospital system in California. I contacted COVID end of January. I work in the emergency room and obviously got it at work. CA COVID pay had ended but it got extended February 19th. March 10th they have me fill out a form to be reimbursed SPSL pay. I filled it out immediately and they said I would be paid within the next two pay periods. Nothing. For months I’ve been getting the run around that it’s coming soon, they are busy and trying to do their best to get the retroactive pay going. Last time I spoke to someone in HR they said June 10th if not June 24th for sure. Nothing. Again I write an email to the HR person in charge of the department. She forwarded to her boss and I get the same canned response. “Please be patient, we are targeting the next couple pay periods etc etc.” I haven’t been paid my retroactive pay in months. This is a big company and can’t believe they are dragging their feet. I’m owed 6 days. I wrote out a more aggressive email stating what the law in CA is and that they haven’t followed it. No response yet. Do I have any other recourse?

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