
massive layoff of factory worker in Indonesia because company move to cheaper wage region. A few days ago there is massive layoff of factory worker in Indonesia because hundreds of company want to move to cheaper wage region in Indonesia. There has been increase of wage every year following the inflation because of Union and Protest in Indonesia every may day. Basically every region in Indonesia have different Minimum Wage or its called UMR/UMK here. A year ago Ministry of Labor in Indonesia did not adjust the minimum wage with the inflation and there is massive protest but it doesnt go anywhere. just to quote some worker here say “You need to have our wage to understand what it feels like to be us, you get paid millions to sit there and decide our wage while we dont even know where our next meal come from” But now company want to move the factory to cheaper region in Indonesia for cheaper labor. And…

A few days ago there is massive layoff of factory worker in Indonesia because hundreds of company want to move to cheaper wage region in Indonesia. There has been increase of wage every year following the inflation because of Union and Protest in Indonesia every may day.

Basically every region in Indonesia have different Minimum Wage or its called UMR/UMK here. A year ago Ministry of Labor in Indonesia did not adjust the minimum wage with the inflation and there is massive protest but it doesnt go anywhere. just to quote some worker here say “You need to have our wage to understand what it feels like to be us, you get paid millions to sit there and decide our wage while we dont even know where our next meal come from”

But now company want to move the factory to cheaper region in Indonesia for cheaper labor. And also there is a massive layoff among startup company in Indonesia and some of them doesnt paid the worker any wage since 2021.

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Left : Your pile of money is made by our sweat. prosper your workers.

Middle : Dear businessman, part of your money is our rights.

Right : Journalist jobs is a professional job, but when is the wage professional?


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