
I don’t think I’ve ever had a dream job

I've never had a dream job. I've had things I wanted to do throughout my life when I was younger, and they've shifted all over the place but ultimately now as an adult, I'm realizing more and more I just simply don't want to work (I should be more specific: I don't want to burn hours of my life away at a job just so I can exist). I've had a lot of mental health issues regarding work, struggling to keep things together and the entire time at work, I'm just looking forward to going home. More than anything I'm just happiest getting to spend time with loved ones, be it family or friends, and I get depressed being away from them. I don't know why people around us look at the cost/quality of living vs their pay for the amount of work they put in, in comparison to the…

I've never had a dream job. I've had things I wanted to do throughout my life when I was younger, and they've shifted all over the place but ultimately now as an adult, I'm realizing more and more I just simply don't want to work (I should be more specific: I don't want to burn hours of my life away at a job just so I can exist). I've had a lot of mental health issues regarding work, struggling to keep things together and the entire time at work, I'm just looking forward to going home. More than anything I'm just happiest getting to spend time with loved ones, be it family or friends, and I get depressed being away from them. I don't know why people around us look at the cost/quality of living vs their pay for the amount of work they put in, in comparison to the past and somehow think it's okay.

Does anyone else share this sentiment? I wanted to just get my thoughts out there.

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