
The government and their billionaire buddies have abandoned us so now we’re abandoning them, their rules, and their meaningless money.

The US government has no intention to represent its citizens and work for the betterment of our lives, because they are in the billionaires pockets. So for this 4th of July instead of celebrating an absent democracy, spending money on useless waste, and making corporate America and the Oligarchy richer, we buy nothing, spend on nothing but absolute essentials. Barter for what you need, ask your neighbor to borrow something if you don't have it, still go to work and make money, but do little as possible. Save as much gas as possible, walk, borrow a bike, take public transportation, and carpool as much as possible. Turn off your auto-pay, cancel your subscriptions, do pay car insurance or your note, no credit card bills, no mortgages. If no one pays , are they gonna evict all of us? Don’t go out to the club or a bar and spend your…

The US government has no intention to represent its citizens and work for the betterment of our lives, because they are in the billionaires pockets. So for this 4th of July instead of celebrating an absent democracy, spending money on useless waste, and making corporate America and the Oligarchy richer, we buy nothing, spend on nothing but absolute essentials. Barter for what you need, ask your neighbor to borrow something if you don't have it, still go to work and make money, but do little as possible. Save as much gas as possible, walk, borrow a bike, take public transportation, and carpool as much as possible. Turn off your auto-pay, cancel your subscriptions, do pay car insurance or your note, no credit card bills, no mortgages. If no one pays , are they gonna evict all of us? Don’t go out to the club or a bar and spend your hard earned money, sit at home with your family or go out and bring some food to the homeless and show the neglected some compassion, enjoy your hours off and let’s enjoy life. It’s imperative that they realize if they don’t want to serve us what we deserve, we’ll abandon them and their rules just as they have done to us. We can function without them, because we have solidarity, it’s us vs the 1%. We have the numbers. If we give them none of our money, they’ll fall to their knees, because they can try to outlast a protest, but we can live without them indefinitely. The government has taken our rights and they make us vote and protest and beg for our rights back. We were promised a government that helps to enrich its citizens and work to make our lives better and instead we were made slaves to one that only operates in the interests of only the rich few. We’ll play ball no more. Spread this message to every person you know, notify any orgs you’re a part of to spread the message more. As long as we have solidarity they have nothing. So let's get moving. They fucked around, now they’ll find out.

Video form that helped inspire me:

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