
I hate how business owners’ greed enables pettiness and wraps it in “work ethic” BS to make you feel worried about your financial security.

Example: I've just arrived to work, I usually pick up my lunch on the go in a local shop. Today, I won't have my lunch because some guys were unloading a lorry on the road causing a congestion. If I went to the shop I would be about 3-5 minutes late and I would be called in to the office. Actually, my current boss has already said that If I keep coming late (3-5 min tops) I will be fired immiedietly. Nevermind that I am always way above my target, I actually know how much money I make for the company, because that's how performance is measured. So my boss should sleep well knowing that I am working hard towards paying for his holidays 4 times a year, two luxury cars and numerous houses he owns as a landlord. Except he doesn't, because I used to prioritize having food to…


I've just arrived to work, I usually pick up my lunch on the go in a local shop. Today, I won't have my lunch because some guys were unloading a lorry on the road causing a congestion. If I went to the shop I would be about 3-5 minutes late and I would be called in to the office. Actually, my current boss has already said that If I keep coming late (3-5 min tops) I will be fired immiedietly.
Nevermind that I am always way above my target, I actually know how much money I make for the company, because that's how performance is measured. So my boss should sleep well knowing that I am working hard towards paying for his holidays 4 times a year, two luxury cars and numerous houses he owns as a landlord. Except he doesn't, because I used to prioritize having food to work or emptying my bowels in the morning (our toilet at work is disgusting, so I don't want to use it) and come late by 3 minutes.

Since the conversation we had, I now have to drive dangerously if anything happens on the road or if someone blocks my drive (I live next to a school and Karens park across my drive sometimes) because mo financial security is in stake, I am permanently stressed out and I started to hate my job.

But the funny thing is that once I log into the system at 8:30 I can fuck off and do whatever I want, nobody will question that. People use this to their advantage. They come to work at 8:30, log in and head directly to the cantine for a coffe or breakfast. I have no problem with that, don't get me wrong. I am just pissed off because of lack of logic. It seems that my boss just thinks that he pays me for these 3 minutes so he wants to see his excel tables look good, because jacking off to funny numbers on his bank account doesn't satisfy him anymore.

Oh, and BTW, I FUCKIN HATE MINIONS. You know, these little dudes who feel that they are responsible to bring staff to the management's attention, because they have to boost their egos or they believe in some sort of work ethics or work culture dogma, even though no one cares and notices it. Actually, that's why they may be doing it. To get noticed and get pat on their back from the big man.

I had to vent. I hate full time work culture. I hate how much stress it adds to our lives. I hate how it lowkey (or not even lowkey in some cases) encourages unhealthy habits and as a solution it proposes organizing your entire life around making some guy rich and happy.

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