
Who cares that you’re sick?

I called this weekend informing one of my bosses I had a gnarly cough and potentially Covid. I was told to grab some cough drops and come into work anyway. I did; Saturday and Sunday, 7hrs of hacking up my lungs and sneezing in front of customers while handling food. Now me and my entire family have tested positive for Covid and I still get to go into work. I make $150 a check if I’m lucky and MAYBE $5 in tips. This is not worth it.

I called this weekend informing one of my bosses I had a gnarly cough and potentially Covid. I was told to grab some cough drops and come into work anyway. I did; Saturday and Sunday, 7hrs of hacking up my lungs and sneezing in front of customers while handling food. Now me and my entire family have tested positive for Covid and I still get to go into work.

I make $150 a check if I’m lucky and MAYBE $5 in tips. This is not worth it.

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