
Toxic Workplace Gives B.S. Excuses To Push Me Out

This place I worked for about 5 months was the weirder work experience I've ever had. I don't even know where to begin because there would be so much to write. The woman who trained me said she was not trained in the position and trained herself and the guy before her didn't do anything and was let go. Meanwhile, this room is blasting AC all day and is incredibly cold, so cold that you wouldn't want to stay in it and it would affect your work performance. The training from her was poor and I didn't get my IT privileges until after two months which meant I couldn't do anything. In the meantime when there was nothing to do I studied UX design to have a new skill. I have many years of IT experience and a Master's in I.T. It was a third party and I was salaried…

This place I worked for about 5 months was the weirder work experience I've ever had. I don't even know where to begin because there would be so much to write.

The woman who trained me said she was not trained in the position and trained herself and the guy before her didn't do anything and was let go. Meanwhile, this room is blasting AC all day and is incredibly cold, so cold that you wouldn't want to stay in it and it would affect your work performance. The training from her was poor and I didn't get my IT privileges until after two months which meant I couldn't do anything. In the meantime when there was nothing to do I studied UX design to have a new skill. I have many years of IT experience and a Master's in I.T.

It was a third party and I was salaried and served their customer for the gov. These people were some of the most disrespectful clowns and barely did anything and they were “working” remote a lot of the time. They wanted me to go around the building and ask them if they had any IT issues instead of them putting in a ticket.

In short, anything I did was wrong and they would try to find something I did wrong as if on purpose, as if they actually never planned to keep me. There was some support but it felt like b.s. I'd solve all their IT issues and they would have the previous IT person there on certain days who lived over an hour away coming to the site. She was a black female. The boss at the site was a female and I'm pretty sure these two were buddy-buddy to the point I felt like I was being discriminated against for my sex, young age, or being white. They barely had anything to do at this site. I solved every single person's IT issue and the customer kept saying they “lacked confidence in my abilities” which was the funniest thing I've ever heard at a workplace. The bosses here had another agenda or hated my guys and were very two faced. I'm not sure if there was a contractual agenda and it took months for them to get me in this position. They wouldn't get me out unless they had someone else to do their work, the previous person in my position, either combining her work or getting her back in to replace me because she was very vocal about how she hated her new job. So maybe the customer was trying to save money. The previous person who trained me mentioned how she would get out of work at her previous jobs and get drunk and party (she was in the military).

The customer would say there's so much work that needs done but when I asked around I found nothing.

They said I am eligible for unemployment and I can find plenty of other jobs, but it was the weirdest work experience I've ever had and I want other people's thoughts and opinions. I know the economy is bad and going to get worse with the Fed rate hikes so not sure if that's also a part of it because many companies are downsizing.

This place I worked out was “you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't.”

I'm glad to be out to find a better opportunity.

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