
Got sent home for wearing shorts.

I work in a warehouse in for an airport in Southern California. The inside of the small warehouse is air conditioned, but I’m outside handling deliveries and organizing for a lot of the shift. So instead of wearing BLACK PANTS in the 100+ degree weather (it was also super humid yesterday), I decided to wear black shorts because it doesn’t matter. Well company’s current dress code has existed for 20 years, and it has to be followed, and not following it is disrespectful to the company. Oh you say it’s a ridiculous rule that doesn’t change anything or matter at all? “That can be said about a lot of thing. There’s stuff I don’t want to do that I have to do”. Yeah but that’s paperwork and inputting info and answering emails. Clothing choice, especially one as minor as WEARING SHORTS, honestly and truly does not matter

I work in a warehouse in for an airport in Southern California.

The inside of the small warehouse is air conditioned, but I’m outside handling deliveries and organizing for a lot of the shift.

So instead of wearing BLACK PANTS in the 100+ degree weather (it was also super humid yesterday), I decided to wear black shorts because it doesn’t matter.

Well company’s current dress code has existed for 20 years, and it has to be followed, and not following it is disrespectful to the company. Oh you say it’s a ridiculous rule that doesn’t change anything or matter at all? “That can be said about a lot of thing. There’s stuff I don’t want to do that I have to do”. Yeah but that’s paperwork and inputting info and answering emails. Clothing choice, especially one as minor as WEARING SHORTS, honestly and truly does not matter

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