
Am I in the wrong for not working without compensation after putting in my 2 weeks late?

I recently put in my 2 weeks notice that I would be leaving my current job as my new job starts next week, however I was a bit late and ended up only being able to give my notice with about 1.5 weeks left, due to situations outside my control. My new job was slow in confirming, and the day I was going to talk to my boss, he was not prioritizing me so I ended up being forced to wait until after the long weekend… anyways. So apparently big boss was upset that my notice was late and threatened to dock my pay(?), so my boss negotiated for me to instead work with no compensation (no comp time/overtime) at a Saturday morning event. I was not present for any of this, boss just came into my office Friday and told me I would have to come work Saturday, so…

I recently put in my 2 weeks notice that I would be leaving my current job as my new job starts next week, however I was a bit late and ended up only being able to give my notice with about 1.5 weeks left, due to situations outside my control. My new job was slow in confirming, and the day I was going to talk to my boss, he was not prioritizing me so I ended up being forced to wait until after the long weekend… anyways.

So apparently big boss was upset that my notice was late and threatened to dock my pay(?), so my boss negotiated for me to instead work with no compensation (no comp time/overtime) at a Saturday morning event. I was not present for any of this, boss just came into my office Friday and told me I would have to come work Saturday, so naturally I asked how I would be compensated since I don’t have time left to take comp. He just kinda laughed it off and said “oh no you won’t be getting comp time, this is going towards your 2 weeks”. What? I was confused but he just walked out. So I’m really not pressed to work this event on a Saturday morning for no pay, so I literally just didn’t show up. I was resting after a very fun night out I regret nothing.

Fast forward to Monday, my boss comes in mad and telling me I was immature for that, which totally I agree I definitely could have handled it better. However, I let him know that I was concerned about showing up for work and not being paid or receiving comp time. That’s when he told me all the stuff about big boss wanting to dock my pay, and him negotiating for me to work for free on Saturday instead. I told him that was not ok, and at the very least that needed to be communicated to me before Saturday, but that was not an appropriate response to a late 2 weeks notice. The conversation got a little heated and he told me that since I’m salary not hourly, I should expect to sometimes work extra and not be paid for it. I understand staying and hour or 2 late every now and then, but I have never been asked to work a weekend event without compensation of some kind. I feel like he is using the fact that this is my first real office job to manipulate me into thinking this is normal, but I could be wrong.

Not looking for legal advice or anything since I have only a few days left, but it sucks that my last week is gonna be this awkward. But my night out on Friday was absolutely worth it and I would have regretted showing up and then realizing I wouldn’t be paid.

All this because they know I will probably need a reference from them in the future so they think they can manipulate me. smh.

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