
I won’t accept any offer that is not wfh at very least hybrid.

Currently looking to make a career change and it’s been going well. Sent out four resumes, got two interviews, and one offer. When reviewing the offer I asked if I am able to wfh. They said it was a in person position (even tho all work is done from a computer, project manager). So I started doing the math. 17 mile commute, 34 miles a day, 170 miles a week, 8,840 miles a year, my truck gets 20mpg so that’s 442 gallons of gas, say gas drops to $5/gallon best case scenario. That’s $2,210 a year to just go to and from work. I asked to add that $2,210 to the offer letter. They said they will get back to me. So now it got me thinking even more. What about time? 30 minutes one way, 1 hour a day, 5 hours a week, 260 hours a year. That’s 10+…

Currently looking to make a career change and it’s been going well. Sent out four resumes, got two interviews, and one offer. When reviewing the offer I asked if I am able to wfh. They said it was a in person position (even tho all work is done from a computer, project manager). So I started doing the math.

17 mile commute, 34 miles a day, 170 miles a week, 8,840 miles a year, my truck gets 20mpg so that’s 442 gallons of gas, say gas drops to $5/gallon best case scenario. That’s $2,210 a year to just go to and from work.

I asked to add that $2,210 to the offer letter. They said they will get back to me. So now it got me thinking even more. What about time?

30 minutes one way, 1 hour a day, 5 hours a week, 260 hours a year. That’s 10+ days of my life a year in traffic… that’s even worst than the money. But let’s put a dollar amount to my time for fun. I make roughly $50/hour without bonuses, so that times 260 hours is $13,000 of my time is wasted sitting in traffic! Wtf how have I never realized this.

So to sum it up, I will only be going for wfh or hybrid positions for now on after realizing the math behind everything and I recommend you all do the math for your situation as well.

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