
Phone interview today

I know this isn't exactly the normal type of post, but hey I need a little congrats. (On phone, so sorry for formatting etc, etc.) I've been busting my ass for the company I currently work for, and lately they've turned to treating my location as lesser-than and it's a pain in the ass. Promotions are being given to favorites rather than interviewing internally like they've always done, and I'm not paid nearly what I'm worth. Today, I have a phone interview at 2:30pm with a new company. If I got this job, my yearly salary would jump up anywhere between 12-24 thousand a year (nearly 60-80%) pay increase. So I guess wish me luck? Maybe losing me will make the district managers realize that they can't retain good employees with such incredibly low wages. I don't really know my point here, I just needed to get it out somewhere.…

I know this isn't exactly the normal type of post, but hey I need a little congrats. (On phone, so sorry for formatting etc, etc.)

I've been busting my ass for the company I currently work for, and lately they've turned to treating my location as lesser-than and it's a pain in the ass. Promotions are being given to favorites rather than interviewing internally like they've always done, and I'm not paid nearly what I'm worth.

Today, I have a phone interview at 2:30pm with a new company. If I got this job, my yearly salary would jump up anywhere between 12-24 thousand a year (nearly 60-80%) pay increase. So I guess wish me luck? Maybe losing me will make the district managers realize that they can't retain good employees with such incredibly low wages.

I don't really know my point here, I just needed to get it out somewhere. Shit pay, too much work, and I can increase my pay massively with less oversight and more freedom.

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