
Significant Other is being shorted holiday hours?

My SO just started a new full time job. At her job, they work 4 day weeks. Weekends are off, and then everybody has one other day off during the week. So some might not work Wednesdays, others might not work Fridays, etc. My SO's day off is Mondays. The thing is, there are a lot of Monday holidays, like the upcoming 4th of July for example. For her coworkers, this is an extra day off. They will enjoy a Monday holiday, and also get to take off their Tuesday, or Wednesday, or Thursday, or Friday. But for my SO, it doesn't count as anything. She already has Monday off, so the office being closed that day doesn't affect her, and she can't instead take her holiday on different day, like Friday or Tuesday. In fact, she can't bank those holiday hours at all. She just doesn't get these holidays.…

My SO just started a new full time job. At her job, they work 4 day weeks. Weekends are off, and then everybody has one other day off during the week. So some might not work Wednesdays, others might not work Fridays, etc.

My SO's day off is Mondays.

The thing is, there are a lot of Monday holidays, like the upcoming 4th of July for example.

For her coworkers, this is an extra day off. They will enjoy a Monday holiday, and also get to take off their Tuesday, or Wednesday, or Thursday, or Friday. But for my SO, it doesn't count as anything. She already has Monday off, so the office being closed that day doesn't affect her, and she can't instead take her holiday on different day, like Friday or Tuesday. In fact, she can't bank those holiday hours at all. She just doesn't get these holidays.

What this means is her coworkers get about a week's worth of holidays every year that she doesn't get. She's being shorted a week of PTO compared to her coworkers.

That just seems very wrong to me. But unfortunately it's a private, non-union company in the US, so I doubt she has any entitlements to the same holiday hours that her coworkers enjoy. Any advice?

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