
It seems some older people think those working remote are taking money from the gov

So I talked to my grandparent today and normally I try to say nothing because idk how long I have with them and it isn't like we can change anything. But for some reason I ended up getting into it when they were bashing workers They first started talking about there is a worker shortage, and they kept going off about this. (keep in mind this person is in their late 80s and not and nor ever was in a hiring position. And their last job was several decades ago, and they lived in extreme poverty to the point when my granddad was alive. They didn't have enough money to buy 2 hamburgers, so they had to share.) Anyways, I mentioned how researchers looked into it and it was completely false. That places were under paying staff or have a horrible reputation, they were looking for highly specialized people and…

So I talked to my grandparent today and normally I try to say nothing because idk how long I have with them and it isn't like we can change anything. But for some reason I ended up getting into it when they were bashing workers

They first started talking about there is a worker shortage, and they kept going off about this. (keep in mind this person is in their late 80s and not and nor ever was in a hiring position. And their last job was several decades ago, and they lived in extreme poverty to the point when my granddad was alive. They didn't have enough money to buy 2 hamburgers, so they had to share.)

Anyways, I mentioned how researchers looked into it and it was completely false. That places were under paying staff or have a horrible reputation, they were looking for highly specialized people and even in normal times they can't find anyone, or they were getting hundreds of applicants and simply not hiring anyone.

She mentioned some family member who went to an classic car shop couldn't find workers and something about the hospital. I mentioned that is a specialist job. Most were having a hard time finding people prior. The gov was lobbied a few decades back and every year does give medical schools money which rewards them to put out way less doctors during a shortage.

They mentioned how people wouldn't work because government money. I said the thousand dollars for most only lasted a month, and that was a year or so ago. SSI only pays $750/m at max and people can't live off of that. Other welfare benefits required someone to currently be working. Unemployment you can't get after 6 months and to get on it and stay on it is a nightmare at best.

They mentioned it again, I said unless if they found a magical well, they aren't getting help from anywhere.

They mention a local fast food place closed down due to lack of workers recently. I asked how much were they paying. They said $10/h-$12/h part time. I mentioned they would have to pay double that for people to be able to live off of the pay. The pay is just too low. And it is sad because if it wasn't for poor political people and economic systems we wouldn't and shouldn't be in a situation where cost of living increases year over year. Let alone to the degree it has over the last few years

Anyways after a bit they mention something about people moving in to the local area, and having nice houses and not working in the local jobs. I said they are most likely remote. I mentioned how people were moving from places like NYC to here because it's far cheaper. That $50k there you would be lucky to get a 1 bedroom place. Where here you can afford a house, nice car, nice stuff, etc.

I think this went over their head, and they ended up calling them materialistic.

When I was a kid she ended up calling my parents materialistic because they worked 60+ hours a week and worked their asses off for what they have. So idk if this is just a mindset of their generation or if it's just her.


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