
Supper weird situation on work trip.

So we had a last minute emergency trip out of town. They asked me to drop everything which I did to commit to a possible two week trip making me lose time with my boyfriend and my puppy. They sent me with the only girl at work that I absolutely despise and expected me to share a room with her. I requested that we have separate rooms so they called Ronald McDonald House. So one room is a nice hotel and the other one is at Ronald McDonald House…. I'm already checked into the hotel had showered and got everything organized in the room when I get a call from my boss saying that I will be going to Ronald McDonald. I told her this doesn't make sense as I'm already settled in which she replies that she would still like me to go anyway. I asked her for a…

So we had a last minute emergency trip out of town. They asked me to drop everything which I did to commit to a possible two week trip making me lose time with my boyfriend and my puppy. They sent me with the only girl at work that I absolutely despise and expected me to share a room with her. I requested that we have separate rooms so they called Ronald McDonald House. So one room is a nice hotel and the other one is at Ronald McDonald House…. I'm already checked into the hotel had showered and got everything organized in the room when I get a call from my boss saying that I will be going to Ronald McDonald. I told her this doesn't make sense as I'm already settled in which she replies that she would still like me to go anyway. I asked her for a reason and she had none and said it was really top secret and she couldn't tell me right now. I feel completely dismissed and less then my coworker now, they already favoritized certain people. I packed up everything for these people and they can't even have the respect to offer me a nice room? It took up my whole day off packing and moving hotels twice. I'm so upset that they went out of their way for her at the cost of my time. Am I over reacting? I'm tempted to quit. I just can't stand favoritism. And like this is super super weird to me, like way to make it painfully obvious I'm chop liver.

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