
Just walked out from my job after 2 weeks

Working for an employment company in Europe based around care for the elderly. Just for context, this is a British company that have clients who only speak English. They specifically wanted me due to being a native English speaker. In our office was three people. Myself, the manager and a girl who'd been there for 3 months. The manager is also a native English speaker, but the girls second language is English and isnt the best. So today was the kicker and I blew a gasket. For the past 3 days this girl has been goung into the company email account (we all had access) and marking emails which i have opened and read as “unread”. But specifically there was an email from an old employee who wanted a job reference. I asked her why she kept doing this and her response was “she is a bitch and doesn't deserve…

Working for an employment company in Europe based around care for the elderly. Just for context, this is a British company that have clients who only speak English. They specifically wanted me due to being a native English speaker.

In our office was three people. Myself, the manager and a girl who'd been there for 3 months. The manager is also a native English speaker, but the girls second language is English and isnt the best.

So today was the kicker and I blew a gasket.

For the past 3 days this girl has been goung into the company email account (we all had access) and marking emails which i have opened and read as “unread”. But specifically there was an email from an old employee who wanted a job reference.

I asked her why she kept doing this and her response was “she is a bitch and doesn't deserve a reference” I said “sorry that's not your call, you aren't HR” she just went “uhh uhh” and it was left there. This was at 10am.

12 noon rolls around and both the manager and this girl have left the office for well over an hour. They come back and I'm informed by her that they'd spoken to the director of the company because according to her “I'm not asking questions correctly” now bearing in mind this girl isn't a native English speaker and her English is poor at best.

She then proceeds to hand me a “script” which I should now use to talk to people in English with. It was written by her and terribly.

Later on a client calls with an update surrounding their case. I note everything down and relay it to the manager.

This girl is listening…. Out of nowhere she then calls this person back to ask them what I said was true.

I lost my temper. I grabbed my belongings, stood up from my desk and told them both to go fuck themselves.

They called me asking me to go back, I told the manager to go fuck himself agakn and maybe a girl who failed university who doesn't speak English well enough shouldn't be telling an English man, how to speak English.

But on top of all of this. I have recordings.

I have a recording of her refusing to do a reference for someone and other recordings where she is telling me what to do, even though she isn't my manager. Like when I asked her what the real reason for going to the director. She responds “but you need to ask Manager”. I respond “but I'm talking to you, so answer me?” “what's the problem? Don't talk about me behind my back!” her respond was again “uhhh uhhh” and didn't know what to say to me…

Just a rant. It always seems to be the people who dropped out of uni that think they're better than everyone else.

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