
Why do I fucking feel guilty?!

I’m in a European country with a European work contract, which means I have a union contract and a legal right to a certain amount of vacation time. I just quit my job. What that means is 1) legally I still have to work for 1 month. It’s called your “quitting term”. And 2) My employeer has to pay out my vacation hours that I haven’t used. Well, my manager just mailed to say I have to use the rest of my vacation days during my quitting term because they “don’t just pay them out if your workload allows you to take them.” Well, I clapped back and basically said “show me where it says that in my contract.” Why am I consumed with guilt after writing that mail? I feel bad somehow. Like I’m being “difficult”. I was raised by American baby boomers who had those old work values.…

I’m in a European country with a European work contract, which means I have a union contract and a legal right to a certain amount of vacation time. I just quit my job. What that means is 1) legally I still have to work for 1 month. It’s called your “quitting term”. And 2) My employeer has to pay out my vacation hours that I haven’t used.

Well, my manager just mailed to say I have to use the rest of my vacation days during my quitting term because they “don’t just pay them out if your workload allows you to take them.”

Well, I clapped back and basically said “show me where it says that in my contract.”

Why am I consumed with guilt after writing that mail? I feel bad somehow. Like I’m being “difficult”. I was raised by American baby boomers who had those old work values. Is that why I feel so dirty? I didn’t even demand the money, I just demanded to know my rights.

Does anyone else relate?

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