
What’s up with this back to office shit?

Why are some workplaces pushing to return people to the offices? I understand that they're probably on a contract for a year or something with rent and shit, but provided remote work works, why would you want people to return even if you pay the rent? You still save money on maintenance/energies while getting same/better results with people in office. There's also plenty of companies with international teams, where remote work is the only option anyways, which creates a precedence that remote works. No idea if you can outsource and sort of re-rent your rented offices to other people tho. So why would you even want people to return? Is this something normal people actually want? I wouldn't know, I'm a heavily introverted person, but to be honest, working remote is awesome for me – not being locked in office for 8hrs and the ability to do alot of shit…

Why are some workplaces pushing to return people to the offices? I understand that they're probably on a contract for a year or something with rent and shit, but provided remote work works, why would you want people to return even if you pay the rent? You still save money on maintenance/energies while getting same/better results with people in office. There's also plenty of companies with international teams, where remote work is the only option anyways, which creates a precedence that remote works. No idea if you can outsource and sort of re-rent your rented offices to other people tho.

So why would you even want people to return? Is this something normal people actually want? I wouldn't know, I'm a heavily introverted person, but to be honest, working remote is awesome for me – not being locked in office for 8hrs and the ability to do alot of shit in the day, like grocery shopping, laundry, cooking, whatever and due to nature of my work (IT-QA) it sort of doesn't matter when I do my work, so I can just say fuck it and play video games if I don't feel like working at the moment.

So what the fuck? Are these “people can't wait to get back in office” just a lobbying of these companies renting office spaces cause they're hemorrhaging money? Can't think of any other option to be honest.

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