
A $13 bonus….

I work at a fast food restaurant and we are currently having a competition against other stores on who can have the highest percentage of sales increase on our shakes. The first place winner gets $300 split across the store, Second place gets $200. 18 people work at out store. 22% of your bonus is taxed in NYS. The numbers? 300/18 x .78=$13 200/18 x .78=$8.58 What a fucking joke. I make $15/hr for reference.

I work at a fast food restaurant and we are currently having a competition against other stores on who can have the highest percentage of sales increase on our shakes. The first place winner gets $300 split across the store, Second place gets $200. 18 people work at out store. 22% of your bonus is taxed in NYS. The numbers?
300/18 x .78=$13
200/18 x .78=$8.58

What a fucking joke. I make $15/hr for reference.

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