
A burnt out dog bather.

I love this sub. it has inspired me many times to stop taking BS not only from our clientele but also my boss. She’s very obviously a narcissist and a boomer too. Hours have been cut from my paychecks. The average dog bather bathes 5- maybe 12 dogs a day. My coworkers and boss have taken advantage of my niceness and helpfulness to the point that i bathe 20-25 dogs a day. My position at the company IS to help get all the dogs bathed, but it IS NOT my job to bathe every single one of the groomers dogs. On top of the massive heap of dogs i do, half of them don’t get touched by the groomers after i finish with them & i am not receiving compensation for this! I’m doing the ENTIRE job, yet the groomer gets to pocket the tip. I don’t get tipped out…

I love this sub. it has inspired me many times to stop taking BS not only from our clientele but also my boss. She’s very obviously a narcissist and a boomer too. Hours have been cut from my paychecks. The average dog bather bathes 5- maybe 12 dogs a day. My coworkers and boss have taken advantage of my niceness and helpfulness to the point that i bathe 20-25 dogs a day. My position at the company IS to help get all the dogs bathed, but it IS NOT my job to bathe every single one of the groomers dogs. On top of the massive heap of dogs i do, half of them don’t get touched by the groomers after i finish with them & i am not receiving compensation for this! I’m doing the ENTIRE job, yet the groomer gets to pocket the tip. I don’t get tipped out at all doing this although it’s standard to tip bathers at least 20%. I recently voiced these concerns to my boss (as well as another concern with me working 10 and a half hour shifts involuntarily) and i got gaslighted in front of the entire staff. i was mortified. she made me feel like my problems were just being made up in my head. Later that same day she called me (at EIGHT O CLOCK AT NIGHT) to bitch at me over me voicing these concerns! I had to raise my voice at her over the phone & basically mow over what she was saying to get her to chill out. now after this interaction, she’s kissed my ass and everyone else’s ass since When i voiced my concerns to her i also told her if my boundaries could not be met that i would be looking for a new job. Well some of the girls heard me say that and took their opportunity TO QUIT. THE NEXT DAY. Nobody else had mentioned having issues or even mentioned thinking about leaving…. until i did. I 100% believe those 2 people left so i wouldn’t be able to. The 2 people in particular were honestly lazy workers and i ALWAYS ended up picking up their slack but never saying anything about it. I’m really really mad at that situation because now my boss has thrown me up in the front of the store to work the reception desk. NO QUESTIONS ASKED. I have literally NO reception experience and had to teach myself everything up there! how to use the computer, books, files, etc. And then had the audacity to have ME train the new receptionist. My job title is Dog Bather. I didn’t get paid to train her nor was i asked if i wanted to. I’ve stayed late in awful snowstorms for the past 2 days now just because nobody else will. I’m at my wits end. my boss consistently treats me like i’m dumb for things at reception not being done right (even though it’s not my job and i was never trained on it) i have job interviews with different companies. there is so much more i could dish on too, this is just the tip of the ice berg. Not only ALL of this stuff going on, my coworkers quite literally pretend i don’t exist! What could be the best way for me to leave this place of work? It has worn me down. i battle severe mental health problems, and just recently got myself to a point that i could be alone. This job has drove my mental health so far back down i don’t know how to fix it at this point. i fear that every job i find will be a toxic work environment.

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