
A consequence of work no one talks about

Surely it can't be healthy to be zapped awake from deep sleep from alarms every single day? Sleep is so precious for our health yet we need to force our bodies out of sleep everyday just to work. I always think this might be having more negative effects than we think. Possibly contributing to alzheimers? Neurological disorders? etc. Some people also naturally just need lots of sleep. And it's sort of impossible to do so unless you fall asleep shortly after you get home – but then you are only giving yourself like 2 hrs a day to yourself awake. Man, work is mad annoying and the health effects are concerning.

Surely it can't be healthy to be zapped awake from deep sleep from alarms every single day? Sleep is so precious for our health yet we need to force our bodies out of sleep everyday just to work.

I always think this might be having more negative effects than we think. Possibly contributing to alzheimers? Neurological disorders? etc.

Some people also naturally just need lots of sleep. And it's sort of impossible to do so unless you fall asleep shortly after you get home – but then you are only giving yourself like 2 hrs a day to yourself awake.

Man, work is mad annoying and the health effects are concerning.

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