
A customer threatened to shoot my partner in the head.

Title. Not much more to add. But I was at work with my partner today and an unruly customer threatened to shoot her. She was mad that her curbside order wasn't ready so she threatened violence. That lady is lucky I wasn't there when she said that because I would not have a job anymore if I heard her say that to her. But yea. Kind of a shitty day. I don't understand why people feel the need to treat food service people like that. Thanks for letting me vent.

Title. Not much more to add. But I was at work with my partner today and an unruly customer threatened to shoot her. She was mad that her curbside order wasn't ready so she threatened violence. That lady is lucky I wasn't there when she said that because I would not have a job anymore if I heard her say that to her. But yea. Kind of a shitty day. I don't understand why people feel the need to treat food service people like that. Thanks for letting me vent.

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