
A David vs Goliath Story – Will keep Updating

Guys, I work for a large, international, 100K employee+ global financial advisory/services firm. Got put on a complete BS PIP convo yesterday. Head manager Jane, who I don't even work with closely has had an obvious personal vendetta against me. She's a really annoying person (high IQ/low EQ). Direct boss, Sharon, is afraid of her. Sharon never sticks up for me as a result. So Jane has had her henchman, Rob, basically document every little tiny mistake I made to put it in this PIP. They've even made stuff up like I sleep at the desk. So they had PIP meeting with me yesterday. HR lady is total Karen. I tried to explain myself that this PIP stuff is complete BS. She yelled at me told me to stop talking during the meeting. They said it's all excuses. Trying to keep my voice silent. They wanted me to sign PIP…


I work for a large, international, 100K employee+ global financial advisory/services firm.

Got put on a complete BS PIP convo yesterday. Head manager Jane, who I don't even work with closely has had an obvious personal vendetta against me. She's a really annoying person (high IQ/low EQ). Direct boss, Sharon, is afraid of her. Sharon never sticks up for me as a result. So Jane has had her henchman, Rob, basically document every little tiny mistake I made to put it in this PIP. They've even made stuff up like I sleep at the desk.

So they had PIP meeting with me yesterday. HR lady is total Karen. I tried to explain myself that this PIP stuff is complete BS. She yelled at me told me to stop talking during the meeting. They said it's all excuses. Trying to keep my voice silent.

They wanted me to sign PIP immediately. I think alot of this stems from the informal complaint I had with Karen's boss, let's call her Head Karen, about the way I've been mistreated, discriminated against, few months ago.

I came home yesterday after they had PIP meeting with me. They told me to sign the document and send over tomorrow. I did research, realized it's a complete SETUP. Responded “No, and this is due to my previous informal complaint”

Now, they want to have a formal convo with me today at 1pm PST about all the discrimination I complained about.

I know they want me gone; I won't make this easier on them.

Keep me in your thoughts and prayers while I fight these clowns.

Will give a play by play as this develops.

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