If money is the root of all evil, then capitalism is the tree. The trunk of that tree are the people in power and control of the government. The branches are the banks and for profit prisons. The twigs are the corporations, and the leaves are the CEOs/executives. America is a diseased forest.
We are the forest floor that enables the symbiosis from the bottom up.
We can spring into action to erode this forest away. We can cure it of the disease that is spreading through the world. One by one. One fallen leaf, branch, twig, pine needle, soil clump, and microorganism at a time. We can erode this forest away!! It’s going to take a mass flooding event to make an impact. This forest has old deep roots, but just like a natural disaster, we can destroy the trunk. And just like mushrooms that network to give nutrition to the trees, we can network en mass to create a big enough impact to decimate this plague on our earth!
Their goal is to decimate the middle class in order to create a thick forest floor so their roots go even deeper; enabling them to become stronger by feeding off our precious lives spent working for their benefit.
But there is something they don’t want us to recognize.
The more leaves and branches on the forest floor, the healthier the soil becomes. We are stronger together, that’s why they try so hard to divide us!!! We can bind together as one to finally #cancelcapitalsm and restore the forest in a healthy way.
They want us to believe that they have all the power, when the power truly lies within each and every one of you microorganisms. We are the health that is holding this toxic forest together. And we waste our health mentally and physically to sustain their toxicity.
No more!!!
Without the forest floor there is no forest! We are what is holding this thing together. Don’t forget it! Without us, there is no them.
The power lies within us!
We need to take their health and powers away. They have managed their forest in a toxic way for far too long! It is costing us our precious time and energy on this earth. We need to use our energy more to create massive waves that flood and erode this forest away.
I see all the positive stuff coming out of this movement, and it’s gaining traction. I’m so thankful for all the people putting in so much effort to create a healthier forest for all. For good! It cannot happen fast enough. I know it will take time, but I am beyond upset at what our world has become. The capitalism disease has spread to every corner of this planet. The more capitalism spreads, the stronger it becomes. I want nothing but good for all of humanity and Mother Earth.
The frustration has built up, much like a caged tiger.
I could go on and on about the toxicity that is America and how it’s narcissistic tendencies have spread like wildfire. I’m certain that you brilliant people get the idea I’m putting across. I just need to get this out as poetically as possible and maybe I sparked something within the community. All of us matter so much to this change.
Each and every one of us! Don’t forget it!