
a ”funny” realization

So I'm super burned out but need money to pay my rent and food and get my education, I have no family to fall back on and I just caught myself having the thought ''work will set you free'', just work enough hours and you will have some money to better your life. Arbeit macht frei… it's what the nazis wrote on the gates to the camps. My burnout job paying me 12 euro an hour won't set me free, it's keeping me in poverty and burnout.

So I'm super burned out but need money to pay my rent and food and get my education, I have no family to fall back on and I just caught myself having the thought ''work will set you free'', just work enough hours and you will have some money to better your life. Arbeit macht frei… it's what the nazis wrote on the gates to the camps. My burnout job paying me 12 euro an hour won't set me free, it's keeping me in poverty and burnout.

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