
A guy tried to punch me at work yesterday

I'm not anti-work in the same way many people here are. I realise there are huge flaws in the societal expectations of the working population and of those from employers and large companies, but my real issue is the general public. I work in retail. Retail has never been pleasant persay, but it's always been manageable. The past 2 years however have been hell and I don't really know how to cope with it any more. Dude comes into my work and wants to return an oil filter (£7, about $9USD) but has no proof of purchase. My colleague politely informs him that we can't do anything without proof of purchase. Dude starts complaining and stuff and eventually she's like, “ok, on this separate occasion I will honour it because it's less than £10 but next time you will need POP”. The guy wigs out calling her a btch and…

I'm not anti-work in the same way many people here are. I realise there are huge flaws in the societal expectations of the working population and of those from employers and large companies, but my real issue is the general public. I work in retail. Retail has never been pleasant persay, but it's always been manageable. The past 2 years however have been hell and I don't really know how to cope with it any more.

Dude comes into my work and wants to return an oil filter (£7, about $9USD) but has no proof of purchase. My colleague politely informs him that we can't do anything without proof of purchase. Dude starts complaining and stuff and eventually she's like, “ok, on this separate occasion I will honour it because it's less than £10 but next time you will need POP”. The guy wigs out calling her a btch and an ugly cnt and demanding a manager. We currently have no management (both have left) so we are operating with the aforementioned woman (supervisor) and me. She comes to me in tears and asks me to speak to this guy because he's being exceedingly abusive. I come down and tell him he's not being served because of the abuse he's throwing at us and he proceeds to call me a c*nt too and says that he'll have me sacked when he rings our head office (not open on Sundays lol). I tell him “that's fine. Any queries you have they can answer for you” which he took a distinct disliking to. He pushes me and calls me a “smart ass” and when I tell him to leave again he swings for me. He missed but the intent was there all the same.

TL;DR the general public fucking suck and the majority of people are wankers.

What the fuck has happened to people for them to be like this? This is the third physical confrontation our shop has had in the last month. I don't expect sympathy or for anybody to care but I need to vent somehow before I explode.

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