
A job with no hours

I don't know if this is the correct subreddit: I got hired two months ago for a part-time job at a farmer's market on Saturdays. First, I thought I'd be there every Saturday. But when I actually started the job my boss said he hired another person to cover Saturdays and we would be sharing the job. So now it's two Saturdays a month or should be but I'm not even getting that. The last Saturday I was scheduled to work, he told me he was trying out new people and didn't need me. This Saturday he told me he was still sorting out the crew and schedule and not to come in. I've asked him to call me. I want to talk about if it's getting a crew together and I'm part of a new team as part of an expansion? Does he expect me to just hang out…

I don't know if this is the correct subreddit:

I got hired two months ago for a part-time job at a farmer's market on Saturdays. First, I thought I'd be there every Saturday. But when I actually started the job my boss said he hired another person to cover Saturdays and we would be sharing the job. So now it's two Saturdays a month or should be but I'm not even getting that. The last Saturday I was scheduled to work, he told me he was trying out new people and didn't need me. This Saturday he told me he was still sorting out the crew and schedule and not to come in.

I've asked him to call me. I want to talk about if it's getting a crew together and I'm part of a new team as part of an expansion? Does he expect me to just hang out and wait to be called or be on-call? Because the way I see it, I really don't think I have a job.

I think I'm covering days until my boss finds people he likes better. So OK, he's interviewing for more people, great. He's talked about having enough coverage, and expanding hours and locations. But I don't know! And I haven't worked in a month. Maybe I should be an independent contractor and have some kind of arrangement? I like the job and am super bummed. And broke!!!

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