
A literal shitpost

Idk who will find this amusing or offensive but hopefully its mostly the former! I got fired from my last job, to put it bluntly, due to my boss' disrespect and unprofessionalism, but I bounced back quickly, getting another job four days later. Ive been working the new job for about three weeks now, and Im loving it. Then I got a completely irrelevant, nearly one month late letter from my old job that was literally nothing other than a written statement telling me I was fired/blaming me/dodging any responsibility for their own actions, and ngl it felt pretty much like them just trying to open old wounds and kick me while they thought I was down. Appropriately enough, I was reading said letter while on the toilet, so I used the letter for its only real purpose and turned it into some impromptu toilet paper. ️ < 🧻 If…

Idk who will find this amusing or offensive but hopefully its mostly the former!

I got fired from my last job, to put it bluntly, due to my boss' disrespect and unprofessionalism, but I bounced back quickly, getting another job four days later.

Ive been working the new job for about three weeks now, and Im loving it.

Then I got a completely irrelevant, nearly one month late letter from my old job that was literally nothing other than a written statement telling me I was fired/blaming me/dodging any responsibility for their own actions, and ngl it felt pretty much like them just trying to open old wounds and kick me while they thought I was down.

Appropriately enough, I was reading said letter while on the toilet, so I used the letter for its only real purpose and turned it into some impromptu toilet paper. ️ < 🧻

If you're ever feeling down about a job, dont let douchey employers get to you. The grass is indeed often greener on the other side.

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