
A little rant about moving to a new job.

I’ve worked as a collegiate coach for the past year. It’s just been me as assistant and our head coach (my boss) on the coaching staff. I’ve absolutely busted my balls for this guy and the team day in and day out. He’s been the head coach for approaching 15 years and quite frankly doesn’t know squat about our sport. I’ve picked up a ton of slack on his end to help the team run in the best way possible and always did it with a huge smile on my face because I really do love my job. I never really had a huge issue with the guy. Since he didn’t know what to do he gave me a lot of freedom and the athletes I worked with were an awesome bunch. I wanted a better mentor because I’m a relatively young coach, but figured I was learning a lot…

I’ve worked as a collegiate coach for the past year. It’s just been me as assistant and our head coach (my boss) on the coaching staff.

I’ve absolutely busted my balls for this guy and the team day in and day out. He’s been the head coach for approaching 15 years and quite frankly doesn’t know squat about our sport. I’ve picked up a ton of slack on his end to help the team run in the best way possible and always did it with a huge smile on my face because I really do love my job. I never really had a huge issue with the guy. Since he didn’t know what to do he gave me a lot of freedom and the athletes I worked with were an awesome bunch. I wanted a better mentor because I’m a relatively young coach, but figured I was learning a lot through my own experiences.

Recently I was offered a job at a significantly more successful collegiate program (old team was battling for top 8 in the conference new team is consistently in the hunt for national titles and extremely dominant in the same conference) and the head coach at the new place is known as one of the greatest to ever do it in our sport. It feels like a huge opportunity and one that I’m so excited about. All of my previous coach mentors and friends within the sport recognize the opportunity and have been super supportive.

The hardest part of accepting the job was leaving my current group of athletes behind. I love them and want the best for them so saying goodbye was brutal. All of them have responded by saying they’re sad but very proud to see me grow, it meant the world. I sent my boss a very nice email thanking him for the past year and explaining the reasons I’m leaving. He responded with a phone call saying that I’m making a horrible decision that he’ll never understand…and has just in general been incredibly immature and petty about the whole process.

It sucks that he’s leaving such a bad taste in my mouth in the final moments of what was a really great year for the team. But I think he just knows that he won’t find another assistant that makes his life so easy. End of my rant but f*ck that guy.

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