
A little update of my previous post

A while ago I posted about my nightmare of a co-worker with her passive-aggressive and petty af behavior towards me. Well it got interesting. She decided to start her crap with me the day after I attended a funeral for a friend and brother-in-law (sister's husband's brother). I was still kind of dealing with that situation and was in a mood. I knew eventually she would catch me on a bad day and I wouldn't be able to stop myself from unleashing a barrage of sarcasm and veiled insults in my rather calm demeanor. I pointed how how trivial these things were that she obsessed with. I pointed out the fact that she's pretty much had a saddle strapped to my backside since DAY ONE. I pointed out that I was rather sick and tired of her b.s. and that if it continued, I would take the matter to H.R.…

A while ago I posted about my nightmare of a co-worker with her passive-aggressive and petty af behavior towards me. Well it got interesting.

She decided to start her crap with me the day after I attended a funeral for a friend and brother-in-law (sister's husband's brother). I was still kind of dealing with that situation and was in a mood. I knew eventually she would catch me on a bad day and I wouldn't be able to stop myself from unleashing a barrage of sarcasm and veiled insults in my rather calm demeanor.

I pointed how how trivial these things were that she obsessed with. I pointed out the fact that she's pretty much had a saddle strapped to my backside since DAY ONE. I pointed out that I was rather sick and tired of her b.s. and that if it continued, I would take the matter to H.R. and the BoE. Her response, “It doesn't matter. You're going to do what you want anyway”. To which I replied “You're damned right”.

I have not had a problem with her since.

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