
A lot of people here think they aren’t qualified for better paying jobs, they’re wrong

I've been lurking and occasionally commenting on posts in this sub for awhile now, and something I've noticed pretty consistently is that people are working in restaurants or stores while getting paid extremely far below a livable wage that the experience they have from these jobs can easily translate to other positions at better companies. Do NOT settle for the bullshit I see a lot of you have to deal with every day, there is a way out. I'm in my early 30s, and I don't personally make a ton of money. This is mostly because I personally want to do the least amount of work possible, I don't look for promotions, regardless of pay. However, I make a livable wage where I live, about $40k US annually and have for years while working comfortably from home. That's because I've always leveraged my experience and always looked for better jobs.…

I've been lurking and occasionally commenting on posts in this sub for awhile now, and something I've noticed pretty consistently is that people are working in restaurants or stores while getting paid extremely far below a livable wage that the experience they have from these jobs can easily translate to other positions at better companies. Do NOT settle for the bullshit I see a lot of you have to deal with every day, there is a way out.

I'm in my early 30s, and I don't personally make a ton of money. This is mostly because I personally want to do the least amount of work possible, I don't look for promotions, regardless of pay. However, I make a livable wage where I live, about $40k US annually and have for years while working comfortably from home. That's because I've always leveraged my experience and always looked for better jobs.

As an example though, working fast food or retail? That's customer service experience, and any good company that's hiring will recognize that. I personally started at a notorious grocery store chain that treats it's employees like shit. I worked there for 6 years because I didn't know any better, but I eventually walked out with zero plans and applied for a job at a well known, but generally loved retail warehouse store that sells in bulk, and doubled my pay. Since then, I've leveraged my experience (with no college education) to constantly look for, apply, and accept higher paying jobs.

If I find something better, I don't stick around the other job unless I absolutely love it. I don't owe any company anything, I work for an hourly wage, and I've always done that work to the best of my ability.

Anyway, getting a bit long, but if anyone has any similar advice about how they went from a lower paying job, to a better job, why not share it with everyone else in the sub, like the example above? What is some work experience that can be taken somewhere else, or for our no job history peeps, what is a good position for some of them to apply for? I think it would go a long way to help some inexperienced people to start looking for something better.

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