
A manager at a restaurant

I'm a manager at a restaurant I watched another manager stealing tips of servers. I reported her to the DM and got no where. I felt bad as these servers depend on their tips as they are paid crap hourly. In the midst of it all I was told we will launch an investigation. Funny thing is it's been two weeks and nothing. So today I got the head of the restaurant in my presence and showed him the videos I took of her stealing. He then said he would look into it. Well needless to say I handed in my keys right there and told him to shove the job in his ass I would not work for a company that did this kind of stuff. He asked me to take my keys back that he would deal with it. I told him when he does to call me…

I'm a manager at a restaurant I watched another manager stealing tips of servers. I reported her to the DM and got no where. I felt bad as these servers depend on their tips as they are paid crap hourly. In the midst of it all I was told we will launch an investigation. Funny thing is it's been two weeks and nothing. So today I got the head of the restaurant in my presence and showed him the videos I took of her stealing. He then said he would look into it. Well needless to say I handed in my keys right there and told him to shove the job in his ass I would not work for a company that did this kind of stuff. He asked me to take my keys back that he would deal with it. I told him when he does to call me and we will talk. I knew I had to stick up for these servers and explained that I will always do that. Since then they keep calling me asking me to take my job back and I don't know if I should. I'm so tired of their we will launch an investigation bullshit, and nothing happens. He explained that I got what I wanted she got fired I told him I didn't want anyone to loose their job and that is not what makes me happy. But as a manager it's my job to protect and make sure my employees are happy and when injustices happen against them to stand up for them am I wrong to feel this way and am I wrong to not really want to go back? I don't like drama, this time I caught her red handed and got it on video I feel like my work is done but what happens to the almost 70 year old server now that got her tips stolen or the others a part of me feels like I need to stay there to protect them.

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