
A National Strike is groups of individuals

There's many reasons for a US National Strike right now: Nearly a century of Women's Rights being undone! The Rights of 133 Million LGBTQIA Americans being attacked! Mass Shootings DAILY! Final-Stage Capitalism creating a global hell for everyone! Companies trying to bust Unions & demoralize employees! 100 US Companies polluting the entire planet! Rather than trying to organize all 334 million Americans to Strike, just get small groups of your co-workers, friends and family. The more people out along the streets, holding signs, and picketing government buildings, the movement will grow on its own. Once the nation begins to shut down, the 1% Trillionaires will freak out and order the politicians they own to take our demands seriously! If you want RIGHTS you have to fight for them! ​ (Edit: 40% of human population is LGBTQIAA, its a large spectrum and covers a huge amount of diversity. The LGBTQIAA acronym…

There's many reasons for a US National Strike right now:

  • Nearly a century of Women's Rights being undone!
  • The Rights of 133 Million LGBTQIA Americans being attacked!
  • Mass Shootings DAILY!
  • Final-Stage Capitalism creating a global hell for everyone!
  • Companies trying to bust Unions & demoralize employees!
  • 100 US Companies polluting the entire planet!

Rather than trying to organize all 334 million Americans to Strike, just get small groups of your co-workers, friends and family. The more people out along the streets, holding signs, and picketing government buildings, the movement will grow on its own. Once the nation begins to shut down, the 1% Trillionaires will freak out and order the politicians they own to take our demands seriously!

If you want RIGHTS you have to fight for them!

(Edit: 40% of human population is LGBTQIAA, its a large spectrum and covers a huge amount of diversity. The LGBTQIAA acronym stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, Intersex, and Asexual. )

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