
A new store manager today told me I didn’t look happy enough…

TD;LR : my manager wants me to appear happier at work, I want to know how I can get back or maliciously comply with him. I was taking out the trash. I was looking at the trash. I had a neutral, busybody face. There were two coworkers on either side of me who were also not smiling/neutral faced. And this man who I have never spoken to before introduces himself to me by saying in super exaggerated sarcasm “Well you just look SUUUPER happy and enthused to be here! What’s wrong, what’s going on?” (Intended as “what’s going on to make you not be smiling and cheerful at this moment” Hard to convey but his tone was clear.) He said it super loudly too. Both my male coworkers and the customers behind him heard. I was in shock that a grown man in a position of authority would speak like…

TD;LR : my manager wants me to appear happier at work, I want to know how I can get back or maliciously comply with him.

I was taking out the trash. I was looking at the trash. I had a neutral, busybody face. There were two coworkers on either side of me who were also not smiling/neutral faced. And this man who I have never spoken to before introduces himself to me by saying in super exaggerated sarcasm “Well you just look SUUUPER happy and enthused to be here! What’s wrong, what’s going on?” (Intended as “what’s going on to make you not be smiling and cheerful at this moment” Hard to convey but his tone was clear.)

He said it super loudly too. Both my male coworkers and the customers behind him heard. I was in shock that a grown man in a position of authority would speak like that to me. I wanted to say so many things in that moment. But in an attempt to keep things civil and not cause a scene in front of customers I just shrugged and said “I think I have what you call ‘resting B face’.” And even at that he seemed shocked. I don’t know what reaction he was expecting from me, but I certainly wasn’t going to smile at him after he purposefully tried embarrassing me.

He just stumbled and said “oh okay that’s good to know, good to know.” And left.

I burst into tears after he left, I have never felt that boldly humiliated by someone at work. There are so many things wrong with it I don’t even think I could type it all out.

But to cut to the chase. Now I’m just trying to think of ways to get back at him. Should I just lay it on really thick when he comes around? Like maliciously comply and annoy him with overbearing smiles and cheeriness? Not sure if I want to do that but I’d like to hear ideas.

Also I’m not quitting because the pay is pretty okay, it’s part time, and I really like the work.

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