
A nice satisfying quit story for bedtime

Many years ago I worked in a warehouse / factory that assembled and shipped cameras. I was hired for a 2 month contract, and within a week of starting I was doing all the work on the shipping g floor while the other two employees scrolled Facebook all day. The company hired a German dude to streamline everything, this dude was a total robot, think data but not as fun or cool. Anyway I mentioned what was going on a couple times and how I wasn’t making enough to make ends meet. I got reprimanded about my attitude. Then another job that paid like 5$ more an hour came up and I got a start date within a week of my contract being up so I just didn’t fuckin show up to work after the contract was up. I got a call from the robot they hired and I just…

Many years ago I worked in a warehouse / factory that assembled and shipped cameras. I was hired for a 2 month contract, and within a week of starting I was doing all the work on the shipping g floor while the other two employees scrolled Facebook all day.

The company hired a German dude to streamline everything, this dude was a total robot, think data but not as fun or cool. Anyway I mentioned what was going on a couple times and how I wasn’t making enough to make ends meet. I got reprimanded about my attitude.
Then another job that paid like 5$ more an hour came up and I got a start date within a week of my contract being up so I just didn’t fuckin show up to work after the contract was up.
I got a call from the robot they hired and I just told him “look man I’m doing like all the work, getting paid like 300$ a week and I’m commuting an hour. We talked about this I don’t know why we’re having this conversation again” he asked me come in and I said no then hung up.

I’ve been with the unionized employer I got hired by ever since. About 10 years ago.

Good night and sweet dreams redditors

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