
A Non-Coder looking for HELP! – CRM software automation

Hi everyone. I'm looking for any expertise or advice on this subject because I'm not a coder. I would like to be using an automation software such as Power Automate for this because I'm familiar enough to make an automation, but I have no idea how to connect an automation to the CRM software that we use at work. It's called Advisor360. All I want to do is take a PDF form that is a client intake form, and have the data extracted from that PDF and entered into the client's file in Advisor360. I can't seem to find ANYTHING that integrates with Advisor360, so are there suggestions for a program or anything that could help me with this? Thanks guys!

Hi everyone. I'm looking for any expertise or advice on this subject because I'm not a coder. I would like to be using an automation software such as Power Automate for this because I'm familiar enough to make an automation, but I have no idea how to connect an automation to the CRM software that we use at work. It's called Advisor360. All I want to do is take a PDF form that is a client intake form, and have the data extracted from that PDF and entered into the client's file in Advisor360. I can't seem to find ANYTHING that integrates with Advisor360, so are there suggestions for a program or anything that could help me with this?

Thanks guys!

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