
A positive anti work story..

So I’ve been in an awful work environment for the past two years. My company/team is EXTREMELY toxic and I made the decision to start looking in January. I hadn’t had any luck with interviews and I suffer with extreme anxiety which makes interviewing that much worse. I kept getting denied. I had a promising interview lined up a month ago from a job that I really wanted but had little hope for. The day before I was walking around and saw a random guy holding up a free prayer sign. I had never seen him before, and haven’t seen him since. I’m not religious but I figured why not. I went up to him and asked him to do a prayer for me for my interview to get the job. It really felt like a sign. Fast forward a month, I GOT THE JOB! I honestly had very little…

So I’ve been in an awful work environment for the past two years. My company/team is EXTREMELY toxic and I made the decision to start looking in January. I hadn’t had any luck with interviews and I suffer with extreme anxiety which makes interviewing that much worse. I kept getting denied.

I had a promising interview lined up a month ago from a job that I really wanted but had little hope for. The day before I was walking around and saw a random guy holding up a free prayer sign. I had never seen him before, and haven’t seen him since. I’m not religious but I figured why not. I went up to him and asked him to do a prayer for me for my interview to get the job. It really felt like a sign.

Fast forward a month, I GOT THE JOB! I honestly had very little hope since the competition these days is so high. I truly believe the free prayer guy helped. I wish I could find him to say thank you!

And in true anti work fashion, I absolutely cannot wait to quit and screw over my team.

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