
A proposal of an alliance between us and /r/hydrohomies

So I drink a LOT of water on the job. A LOT. I also pee at work. A lot. Drinking as much water as I do on the job gives me an excuse to stop working so that I can fill up my water bottle, and to pee 8 gajillion times a day. I am simultaneously giving my body what it needs, and stickin' it to upper management. ​ So please, drink your water, slack off where you can while racing like a pisshorse, and welcome our /r/hydrohomies brothers and sisters!

So I drink a LOT of water on the job. A LOT. I also pee at work. A lot. Drinking as much water as I do on the job gives me an excuse to stop working so that I can fill up my water bottle, and to pee 8 gajillion times a day. I am simultaneously giving my body what it needs, and stickin' it to upper management.

So please, drink your water, slack off where you can while racing like a pisshorse, and welcome our /r/hydrohomies brothers and sisters!

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