
A question about homeless job hunters

Is it illegal to discriminate if someone lives in a homeless shelter? Someone I know was talking about tearing up applications that has the address of the local shelter. He said “Yeah, if they were such good workers, how come they ended up homeless?” It pissed me off enough to end my friendship with them. I can't imagine being in a shelter and applying for jobs and never getting a call back because some jerk is doing this. How is anyone in that situation supposed to get their life back on track?

Is it illegal to discriminate if someone lives in a homeless shelter? Someone I know was talking about tearing up applications that has the address of the local shelter. He said “Yeah, if they were such good workers, how come they ended up homeless?” It pissed me off enough to end my friendship with them.
I can't imagine being in a shelter and applying for jobs and never getting a call back because some jerk is doing this. How is anyone in that situation supposed to get their life back on track?

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