
A rant but I also need advice

I’ve been apart of this sub for awhile now, and I feel like every single week I hit my breaking point where I just can’t do my job anymore, but I somehow suck it up and continue to show up for work. I work for a small consulting firm, this week alone I will be working from 9am until 10pm for 3 days out of the week and my other co workers don’t seem to be alarmed by this?!? It’s truly soul crushing. My boss has a short temper, yelling at us and making us feel less than. I get random demands at 10pm, 7am and anywhere in between via email or IM. Since I started here 2 years ago, turnover has been so bad that I am now the staff member that has been here the longest. Not to mention anytime someone quits, no one is ever hired to…

I’ve been apart of this sub for awhile now, and I feel like every single week I hit my breaking point where I just can’t do my job anymore, but I somehow suck it up and continue to show up for work.

I work for a small consulting firm, this week alone I will be working from 9am until 10pm for 3 days out of the week and my other co workers don’t seem to be alarmed by this?!? It’s truly soul crushing. My boss has a short temper, yelling at us and making us feel less than. I get random demands at 10pm, 7am and anywhere in between via email or IM. Since I started here 2 years ago, turnover has been so bad that I am now the staff member that has been here the longest. Not to mention anytime someone quits, no one is ever hired to replace them, they just shift the work around. I know that I need to quit but i’ve applied to many other jobs and have not had any luck. Not to mention I can’t afford to quit without another job lined up. It’s getting to the point where I feel so worthless and I don’t have any options to relieve myself from the pain, misery and constant anxiety. I’m exhausted, craving leisure and feeling so sick and tired of not having any control of my life. Do I say fuck it? quit and see if I can get it together and find something else?

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