
A Rant on Small Business and Loyalty

This was directed at a small business sub but I thought you might relate to the following rant: “I work for a small business in a unique trade. We are not in a union. Skilled workers are nearly impossible to find so they must be hired based on merit and trained over time. A huge commitment of time and resources goes into each new hire's training. But still not enough where it really counts. Wages. We have been “shorthanded” every day and we are always slammed and it keeps getting busier. I. Am. Tired. So, I'm gonna just get this off my chest and hope someone actually hears it. If it offends you, you should probably read it again. And then one more time imagining yourself in my overworked, burned out shoes. Work has been hiring for an assistant for over a year and no one will stay longer than…

This was directed at a small business sub but I thought you might relate to the following rant:

“I work for a small business in a unique trade. We are not in a union. Skilled workers are nearly impossible to find so they must be hired based on merit and trained over time. A huge commitment of time and resources goes into each new hire's training. But still not enough where it really counts. Wages.

We have been “shorthanded” every day and we are always slammed and it keeps getting busier.

I. Am. Tired.

So, I'm gonna just get this off my chest and hope someone actually hears it. If it offends you, you should probably read it again. And then one more time imagining yourself in my overworked, burned out shoes.

Work has been hiring for an assistant for over a year and no one will stay longer than a couple of months.
The obvious reason they aren't staying is because it's a physically taxing (crap) job and the pay is only $17 an hour with very minimal benefits. In this fairly large city, that is NOT a living wage. Not by a long shot. It's so low people aren't even applying.

Boss keeps repeating the same garbage line “NoBodY WaNts tO wOrK aNymOre!”. But I'll tell you the truth.

Nobody wants to work. Let's be real.

They do it because they have to in order to merely continue living.

They are leaving for jobs that pay better or they are getting certifications to find better jobs that pay more money. See the theme here?

Loyalty to your company doesn't mean anything when you can't pay your bills. They could love working for you, but they'll never be able to buy a house or retire before they're 70. Why should they waste their time treading water to line other people's pockets and invest nothing in their futures?

They will all leave if you don't start paying a living wage and stay ahead of inflation with raises and bonuses and medical benefits. All of them. And they should. If you can't do that, you cannot expect loyalty. And you should not expect success.

Do better, please.

Please and thank you with a cherry on top.”

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