
A ray of hope

I've been job hunting for about a month now. I work in IT, as a systems engineer. In a nutshell, I do the nuts and bolts building of IT systems. My primary focus has been remote access solutions since 2016. I've put my resume out there, done the linkedin dance, courted recruiters and headhunters. Finally got an interview, with a smaller shop. Seemed like a good org, was into the idea of moving to a smaller shop (I work for a highly compartmentalized, very large org currently). First interview went well. Got a second one. It seemed to go ok, except I walked away feeling like I didn't know some of what they expected. A few weeks go by, I figure that I bombed the interview. Just got a call from the recruiter “they loved you, but decided to remove the offer, they don't need another engineer after all”. So,…

I've been job hunting for about a month now. I work in IT, as a systems engineer.

In a nutshell, I do the nuts and bolts building of IT systems. My primary focus has been remote access solutions since 2016.

I've put my resume out there, done the linkedin dance, courted recruiters and headhunters.

Finally got an interview, with a smaller shop. Seemed like a good org, was into the idea of moving to a smaller shop (I work for a highly compartmentalized, very large org currently).

First interview went well. Got a second one. It seemed to go ok, except I walked away feeling like I didn't know some of what they expected.

A few weeks go by, I figure that I bombed the interview. Just got a call from the recruiter “they loved you, but decided to remove the offer, they don't need another engineer after all”.

So, either they lied to the recruiter, or the recruiter lied to me, or I actually was a top candidate and they changed their hiring plans.

All this for an autodidact non-college kid that used to sling fried chicken and before that was an auto mechanic.

You can change industries.

You can get that job that said “expect B.S. in ___” without the degree.

You can do it, and you should.

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