
A small interesting aha moment I had …

Not a crazy story or anything so sorry to disappoint lol but I wanted to share with you guys. My current boss isn’t thaaaat bad but I’ve had some weird head-scratching moments in the few months we’ve worked together. Basically he’s been having me go in once a week to work for the past month. I initially was ok with it because I did get to see some old coworkers I hadn’t seen in a while but that was the only real benefit. It’s a huge 3 story office building and every time I go , there are literally only about 6-7 cars in the parking lot, 2 of which belong to the front desk workers. So what I mean by this is nobody goes in anymore unless there’s a huge conference going on. All of our jobs are literally 100% computer-based, we use Teams very heavily the whole shebang.…

Not a crazy story or anything so sorry to disappoint lol but I wanted to share with you guys.

My current boss isn’t thaaaat bad but I’ve had some weird head-scratching moments in the few months we’ve worked together. Basically he’s been having me go in once a week to work for the past month. I initially was ok with it because I did get to see some old coworkers I hadn’t seen in a while but that was the only real benefit.

It’s a huge 3 story office building and every time I go , there are literally only about 6-7 cars in the parking lot, 2 of which belong to the front desk workers. So what I mean by this is nobody goes in anymore unless there’s a huge conference going on. All of our jobs are literally 100% computer-based, we use Teams very heavily the whole shebang. Corporate has said we’re indefinitely remote.

Well yesterday my manager tried asking me to go in. To put together a PowerPoint. Yes, a PowerPoint. I initially said “sure”. But after the day went on, I thought about how we’ve been getting shitty thunderstorms, gas is $4+ , and why should I drive and sit my ass in a different building that is not my own house to stare at the same computer I stare at every day? I messaged him and simply said “hey I’m going to work from home tomorrow”. He acts confused and said I thought we said we were going to go in. I said yep we did but we can do the same work. He acts confused again and says “same work?”, I respond yes we can collaborate just the same. I pressed more in case he gave me any BS and said if he felt the quality of my work would be/is different then please tell me. He had nothing to say about it.

Come to find out shortly into the convo he just wanted me to go in because “ahh I’ve been busy and swamped so wanted you to come so it’d be easier FOR ME” (key word right there). You want me to waste MY gas money, toll money, and energy, doing the same type of work with no difference in time/quality so it’s easier for you? Girl bye

I did go over the PowerPoint data with him. It took 15 minutes of my morning.

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